
Miranda: Latin, meaning 'worthy of admiration'

Miranda Hart
I've always been a little bit confused at the concept of role models. As I grow up I've found writers that I love, musicians that I love...and although they make my tummy feel nice, I wouldn't want to be them.

I interpreted having a role model as someone you want to be like, which seems a bit of a weird thing to want, as being the person we are is a pretty fixed thing. But now, just like being in love is the only way to understand what it is, I've found the chosen one - my role model. Now I understand that looking up to someone isn't quite like wanting to be them, but taking the things you're not happy about and looking to them for inspiration on how to improve.
She might be an unlikely role model, and she's technically fictional - but my role model is Miranda.

The sitcom Miranda is like nothing I've seen before - and neither is the character Miranda. What other programme depicts women in such a way? Self-depreciating, clumsy, socially-awkward and over-excitable. My lady-crush became too much to keep to myself after last week's episode. After a typically disastrous series of events, she says: 

"I have no interest in abiding by the adult rule-book. I want to do fun things that make me happy, which by the way, for the record, includes making 'vegepals'... you may call me a child - good, for if adults had even the slightest in the moment joy of a child the world would be a better place." Poetry. 

Miranda is a character who gets excited by little things. She occasionally cares what people think to begin with, but in the end she's really quite proud of who she is. I know it's a comedy, but there are some serious points to take away from that.

I can't relate with everything. I definitely don't shop in the 'Long and Tall' shop, nor have I ever been called “Sir”, (at least, not to my face) but the falling over, being clumsy and awkward in social situations, even her version of a night out (going into her garden and coming back in again). Miranda makes it okay to be prone to embarrassment and awkwardness. Miranda has vegetable friends. She blows biscuits into her mouth using a hair dryer. She instils me with the belief that everything will be okay if you can see the funny side. I can't think of a better role model. 


  1. Agreed! I'd far better young girls looked up to Miranda in all her cake-loving clumsy glory than some air-headed self absorbed non-celebrities like the TOWIE crowd etc.

  2. I LOVE Miranda Hart, she is just amazing :) x

